Ion Mittler: Christian sexology
Sexology is a field of research that examines the sexuality of humans.[1] Theology is a field of research that examines the doctrine about God, God’s will, and spiritual matters.[2] Normally these two fields of research don’t pay much attention to the topics that the other field handles. However, the Bible is a work that discusses both of these topics.
1 Wikipedia 2022. Sexology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexology [11.11.2022].
2 Wikipedia 2022. Theology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theology [11.11.2022].
The moral doctrine presented in the Bible takes a stand on sexuality in many ways. Also sexology takes a stand on the same issues. If these two recommend a different answer to the same question, we need to deliberate, which information is more correct. Scientific research should produce the most precise truth that is possible for humans to know. Modern science is sometimes strongly political and ideological, however, especially in the field of sexology. Thinking is not always free in science. It is sometimes more important for science to produce politically convenient results, than to produce results that are true.
Majority of all new knowledge in the field of sexology is produced by researchers who represent a liberal worldview. At times it is difficult to avoid the notion that research produces results that look like its makers. Science-makers study topics that are pleasant for them, with methods that are pleasant for them, and reach conclusions that are pleasant for them. Is all research truly neutral and impartial, or has ideology taken the place of truth in science? Lack of confidence between various ideologies is one reason, why there is need for Christian sexology: so it can be concluded, whether scientific research produces the same results also when the researchers represent a different ideology.
Another reason, why there is need for Christian research of sexology, is that the researchers of generic sexology are not interested in studying many such issues, which would be relevant for Christianity. Information doesn’t exist, because no one is interested in producing it. This book contains a lot of such information that the liberal research of sexology doesn’t deem necessary to produce. Not because these topics couldn’t belong to the field of generic sexology too, but because the interest and priorities of researchers are in other topics.
The Bible forbids a lot of things, and exhorts people to do many things. In Christian sexology the Bible can be a subject of research too, what it says about sexuality, and in which different ways it can be understood. The primary subject of research is the human, however: how are the instructions in the Bible followed in practice, and does it make people happy?
Is Christian sexology more conservative than generic sexology? It can be, but it depends completely on the person who studies sexuality and Christian moral doctrine side by side. Various kinds of moral thinking exist among Christianity, from very conservative to extremely liberal.
The role of Christian sexology might not be to compile Christian moral doctrine, one and only truth, but to produce as reliable and true information as possible, based on which spiritual leaders will be able to seek a direction for Christian moral doctrine, responsibly and based on facts.
In this work we examine sexuality and moral doctrine very extensively. Not one alternative only, which would be the best and most recommendable in the writer’s opinion, but all quite widely known alternatives, no matter how good or bad they are. The personal attitude of the writer may shine through the text at some places, but it will not remain as the only truth whose existence is mentioned to the reader. If this work strives to convert the reader behind some way of thinking, the method is not mentioning to the reader one recommendable option only, and staying silent about other options. We must be able to trust that truth can afford to stand next to untruths for comparison. The truth doesn’t need to be supported by means of censoring all alternative perceptions from sight.
What comes to censorship, such a word of caution is good to mention that this work is not suitable material for very young readers. Some readers may feel that this book contains a lot of such information that is unnecessary, weird, inappropriate, shameful, sinful, reproachable, insolent, harmful, infuriating, sad, or distressing.
If this is the case, is it worthwhile to read this book? Can this work be harmful for the reader’s sensitive and pure mind? It could be. The reader must decide his or her objec-tives in life, does one want to flee from difficult issues, which can be present in the lives of ordinary people quite generally, to maintain one’s sanctity and purity? If you are unable to encounter this book alone at home in peace, how could you encounter in a positive way a real person, whose life is such as is described in this work, to help the person towards something better? Perhaps it is better after all, that you ged mad at this book and not at a real person.