Inspired by Isaiah 53 -- Man of Sorrows -- 1998 Ion Mittler lo: B hi: 6 (V) Bm #F/#A x=82 ( ) ) ) ( / / B 2 ) 4 4 4 ) 3- 3- ) # 2 Q : : : : FC 4 2 1. He grew up like a ten- der : : : : : VcVcc 2. Who has tak- en this mes- sage : _________________________________________________ 4 Bm Em A/#C D ( ) ) ) ) ) ( 2--- ) / / 4 4 ) 5- 3- ) 6 5- 4 ) ---- ) : : : : : : 1. plant, like a root out of dry ground. : : : : : : : 2. to, who the thoughts of God has known? : __________________________________________________________________ 9 Em A/#C Bm ( ) ) ) ) ( / / 3 4 ) 5- 3 3 ) 6- 5- ) 4- 4- ) : : : : : 1. With- out form that we would have mar- veled : : : : : : 2. Li- ke sheep we with our neigh- bours ar- : __________________________________________________________________ 13 Em #F ( ) ) ) ) ( 2- / 2 ) 3- 2 2 ) 1 1-- 4 ) ---- ) : : : : : 1. at, no beau- ty was in Him found. : : : : : : 2. gue, each one has sought just his own. : __________________________________________________________________ 17 Bm Em #F ( ) ) ) ) ( / / B 1 ) 2- B B ) 3 2- 1 ) ---- ) : : : : : 1. Re- jec- ted by_____ nob- le men, : : : : : : 2. Yet a light sho- ne up- on men, : __________________________________________________________________ 21 Em A D ( ) ) ) ) ( / / 4 4 ) 5- 3- ) 6 5- 4 ) ---- ) : : : : : 1. clo- se friend of pain and grief. : : : : : : 2. Son of Man show- ing us way. : __________________________________________________________________ 25 Em A/#C D ( ) ) ) ) ( / / 3 4 ) 5- 3 3 ) 6 6 5- ) 4- 4- ) : : : : : 1. One from whom men would hi- de their fac- es : : : : : : 2. One whom they take be- fo- re bribed jud- ges,: __________________________________________________________________ 29 G Em #F ( ) ) ) ) ) ( 2- / 2 ) 3- 2 2 ) 1 1-- ) 4--- ) ---- ) : : : : : : 1. when He most ne- ed- ed re- lief. : : : : : : : 2. when like lamb He will no- thing say. : __________________________________________________________________ 34 (C) Em A ( ) ) ) , ) ( //// ) / / 4 6 ) 6 5 5- ) 5- 5 ' 5 ) : : ' : : : 1-3. Sure-ly He has borne all griefs and : __________________________________________________________________ 38 D #Fm/#C Bm Em #F ( ) ) ) ) ) ( 5 4 4- ) / / B 1 ) 2- B- ) 3 2- 1 ) ---- ) : ' : : : : : 1-3. sick-ness-es that life may us he-re give. : __________________________________________________________________ 43 Em A D ( ) ) , ) ) ( / / 3 6 ) 6 5 5- ) 5- 5 ' 5 ) 5 4 4- ) : : : : ' : 1-3. We thought God was the cause of this dist-ress-es, : __________________________________________________________________ 47 #Fm/#C Bm Em #F ( ) ) ) ) ) ( / / B 1 ) 2- B- ) 3 4- 4 ) ---- ) / / / 6 ) : : : : : : 1-3. but it was with us He lived. Why : __________________________________________________________________ 52 Em A D ( ) , ) ) ( 6 5 5- ) 5- 5. 5 ) 5 4 4- ) : : : : 1. was He so poor, noth- ing poss- ess- ing, : : : : : 2. was He so lone- some- ly wan- der- ing, : : : : : 3. was He like that Him- self hum- bl- ing, : __________________________________________________________________ 55 #Fm Bm Em #F ( ) ) ) ) ( / / B 1 ) 2- B- ) 3 2- 1 ) ---- ) : : : : : 1. from all inns driv- en a- way... : : : : : : 2. from our midst driv- en a- way... : : : : : : 3. jeers and strokes He'd calm- ly take... : __________________________________________________________________ 59 Em A D ( ) ) , ) (( ( / / 3 6 ) 6 5 5- ) 5- 5 ' 5 ) 5 4 4- (( : : : : :: 1-3. Was- n’t it to show man what is hap- pen- ing : : : : **** : :: : 2./3. this : __________________________________________________________________ (1./3. #Fm/#C Bm #F/#A Bm 63 ) ) ) ) ) ( / / 4 3 ) 2- 2- ) 1 2- 1 ) B--- ) ---- ) : : : : : : 1. in our own world da- y by day? : 3. through our own hands da- y by day? : __________________________________________________________________ 68 ( 1. ) ( 3. End.) (2. #Fm/#C ( (( repeat ) ( )) 131 ) ( //// (( from ) ( //// )) ( / / 4 3 ) : :: start : : :: : : : ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: 2. in our : __________________________________________________________________ 133 Bm #F/#A Bm ) ( ) ) ) repeat ) ( 2- 2- ) 1 2- 1 ) B--- ) ---- refrain ) : : : : from 34 : 2. own life da- y by day? :::::::::::: __________________________________________________________________ EN (English): (C) 1998 Ion Mittler Music (C) 1998 Ion Mittler