-- Without Weeping -- TRANSLATION FILE, 2 languages EN - English FI - Finnish Form: V B F Music: 1997 Ion Mittler lo:1 hi:>b (V) Cm2 Cm >E/>B >A° >A > 4 ( ) ) ) BEA 4 ( d- c-__)__- / d e ) d- c-_____) : : : : x=100 EN : Sleep- ing, on- ly sleep- ing. : FI : Nuk- kuu, hän vain nuk- kuu. : ______________________________________________________ 4 / Cm2 Cm >E/>B (2) (4) ) ) ) (4)__-- (4) // // ) d- c-___)__- / d e ) ::: ::: : : : EN: Sleep- ing, on- ly : FI: Nuk- kuu, hän vain : ________________________________________________________________ 8 >A° >A / Cm/G Fm ( (2) (4) ) ) ( d- c-__(4)__- / (4) / 7 6 5 ) 7- 6- ) : ::: ::: : : EN: sleep- ing you are for- e- ver : FI: nuk- kuu, nyt i- kui- suu- teen : ________________________________________________________________ 12 G G/B Fm/C Cm / >E/>B ( ) ) ) ( 6- 5 4 ) 4- 3-___)__- / 4 3 ) : : : : EN: more with- out weep- ing, with- out : FI: kyy- ne- leet huk- kuu, tän- ne : ________________________________________________________________ 15 >A6 >A° G G/B Fm6/C Cm ( ) ) ) ( 4- 2- ) 2- 4 3 ) 2- 1-______) : : : : EN: see- ing our qui- et yearn- ing. : FI: jää vain hil- jai- nen kai- puu. : ________________________________________________________________ 18 / G[3]/D Cm Cm2 Cm7/>B >A° >A ( ) ) ) ) (__-- // ) d- e-__)__- / d e ) d- c-_____) : : : : : EN: Leav- ing, are you leav- ing : FI: Pois- tuu, näin- kö pois- tuu : ________________________________________________________________ 22 >A2 >A[5] >E/G Fm G2 G/B ( ) ) ) (__- 7 6 7 ) 7- 6- ) 6- 5 4 ) : : : : EN: your home for- e- ver- more with- out : FI: hän ko- to- aan kun kyy- ne- leet : ________________________________________________________________ 25 Fm/C Cm / >E/>B >A6 >A° ( ) ) ) ( 4- 3-_____)__- / 4 3 ) 4- 2- ) : : : : EN: weep- ing, with- out join- ing : FI: haih- tuu, to- mu mai- nen : ________________________________________________________________ 28 G G/B Fm6/C Cm / ( ) ) ) ) ( 2- 4 3 ) 2- 1-_____)__---- ) //// ) : : : : : EN: this qui- et meet- ing. : FI: kirk- kau- teen vaih- tuu. : ________________________________________________________________ B) >E4 >E >E4 >B/D 32 ) ) , ) ( 6- 5-____)__- / 7 6 ) 5____. 4 7- ) : : : : EN: No more can we wait for your : FI: Kos- kaan e- nää o- dot- taa : ________________________________________________________________ 35 Fm / Fm7 ( ) ) ) ( / 6 5 4 ) 4- 6-____)__- / e- ) : : : : EN: vi- sit at our door. We'll : FI: en tu- lo- as saa. Muis- : ________________________________________________________________ 38 Gm >A / >E/G Fm / >A[5] ( ) ) ) ) ( d- c- ) // c- ) 7- 6- ) // a- ) : : : : : EN: miss you, we'll need you. Still : FI: tan sua, tar- viin sua, kai- : ________________________________________________________________ 42 >E2/F Fm >B Fm7/>E >E ( ) ) , ) ( g- f- ) // b a ) f. e g- ) : : : : EN: wish you had stayed for a while : FI: paan sua, vii- pyi- sit- pä het- : ________________________________________________________________ 45 >A >A[3] Dm°/>A Fm4 Fm / Dm°7/F ( ) , ) ) ( a- e d ) 7_____. 6 c-__)__- / d- ) : : : : EN: more with us here, be- fore you'll : FI: ken kans- sam- me en- nen kuin : ________________________________________________________________ 48 >E >B >B7/>A / >E/G >E/>B ( , ) , ) , ) ( e. 7 7- ) d. c 7 / ) g. e e- ) : : : : EN: go to your rest in peace where the sore : FI: saa- vu- tat rau- ha- si, taak- se jää : ________________________________________________________________ 51 Fm Fm2 Fm[3] / >E/G >E/>B Fm Fm2 Fm / ( , ) , ) , ) ( a. g f / ) 5. 3 3- ) 6. 5 4 / ) : : : : EN: days will cease in the high heav- en- lies. : FI: vai- va- si, au- ke- aa tai- vaa- si : ________________________________________________________________ 54 >E/G / >B / ( , ) ) , ) ) ( 7. 7 7-__)__-- // ) d. d d-__)__-- // ) : : : : : EN: No more fears, no more years, : FI: huo- le- ton, vuo- de- ton, : ________________________________________________________________ 58 >E/G >E2/F >E / (F) >B >B4 >B ( , v ) ) ) , ) ( g. g___, g__._-__)_---- ) // e- ) d. c 7-_____) : ) : : : : EN: no more tears. Our souls will yearn : FI: mur- hee- ton. Vain sie- lu- ni : ________________________________________________________________ 62 >B6 >E/G / >B >B4 >B ( ) ) ) , ) (__-- / 6 ) 5 7-- ) // e- ) d. c 7-____) : : : : : EN: here for you, be- loved so dear : FI: viel' kai- paa rak- kain- ta- ni : ________________________________________________________________ 66 >B6 >E/G / >B ( ) ) ) ) (__- / 6- ) 5- 7-__)__- / c 7 ) d--- ) : : : : : EN: no one knew to be soon : FI: sielt' kau- kaa. O- let jät- : ________________________________________________________________ 70 >B7/>A >B/F / ( ) , ) ) ( e- f- ) a______. g f-___)__- / g a ) : : : : EN: leav- ing earth- ly homes with- out : FI: tä- nyt ko- ti- maat, lop- pui : ________________________________________________________________ 73 >E/G >B/F / ( , ) , ) ) ) ( g. e e-___)__- / f. e ) 7---__)__-- // ) : : : : : EN: weep- ing more in your soul, : FI: kyy- ne- leet ai- ni- aan : ________________________________________________________________ 77 >E >E/>B >E >B/F / ( , ) ) ) ) ( 5. 3 3-__)__-- 6 5 ) 4--- ) // 6- ) : : : : : EN: reach- ing your fin- al goal. There's : FI: vii- mei- seen sa- ta- maan. Oi, : ________________________________________________________________ 81 >E/G / >B / ( , ) ) , ) ) ( 7. 7 7-___)__-- // ) d. d d-__)__-- // ) : : : : : EN: no more fears, no more years, : FI: huo- le- ton, vuo- de- ton, : ________________________________________________________________ 85 >E/G >E2/F >E ( , v ) ) ) )) ( g. g___, g__.__-__)__----____)__---- ) //// )) : ) : : : :: EN: no more tears. :: FI: mur- hee- ton. :: ________________________________________________________________ EN (English): (C) 1997 Ion Mittler FI (Finnish): transl. (C) 1998 Ion Mittler Music (C) 1997 Ion Mittler