YRB no. 7 -- Duet of Lonely Hearts -- (C) 1999 Ion Mittler (Before starting the song, play chord F for an undefined time.) A) lo:1 hi:b V1) F F) lo:A hi:b ( ) A. ( c---_________-- 7 5 ) > C Q F. ( /// 5 6--- ) B 4 2 : ( : (A.) : Hi, hand-some : x=100 (F.) : But hi! : vBvBBF ____________________________________ 2 Dm >B Gm ( ) ) A( 6--- // 5 3 ) 4--- / 5 7 5 ) F( // 5 6 4--- ) / 2- 2 5- 7- ) : ( : ( : A: guy! Can you guess what is my : F: You look fine. More or less why, : __________________________________________________________________ 4 F Dm ( ) ) A( 6--- / c 7 c ) 6--- // 5 3 ) F( / 6- 7 c--- ) // 5 6 4--- ) : ( : ( : A: name, what is this game? I can : F: it's the same; I can't play. : __________________________________________________________________ 6 >B Gm F ( ) ) A( 4--- / 5 7 5 ) c--- / 6 7 c ) F( / 2- 2 5- 2- ) // 1 5 6- 6- ) : ( : ( : A: say, I like that face! My heart is : F: Please, I pray, girl; let your grace- ful : __________________________________________________________________ 8 Dm >B Gm ( ) ) A( 6--- // 5 6 ) 4---__________- 5 7 5 ) F( / 5- 6 4--- ) / 2- 2 5- 7- ) : ( : ( : A: full of your gold- en, sec-ret : F: fin-gers hold my left hand, and : __________________________________________________________________ 10 F Dm ( ) ) A( 6--- / c 7 c ) 6--- // 5 3 ) F( // 6 7 c--- ) / 4 5 6 4--- ) : ( : ( : A: land; I'm not a- lone! Please, go: F: dream of love, let's build a home. : __________________________________________________________________ B1) >B Gm F 12 ) ) A( 4--- //// ) //// //// ) F( / 2- 2 B- 2 B ) 1 A- B 1- 4- ) : ( : ( : A: on. : F: I would buy you a ket- tle of sil- ver : __________________________________________________________________ 14 C ( ) ) ) A( //// //// ) //// //// ) //// //// ) F( 3 4 3 4 5- 7 !7 ) c- 1- // 7- ) c-- 1___-- / c ) : ( : ( : ( : A: : F: de-co-rat-ed with shi-ny dia-monds, or oni- ons if : __________________________________________________________________ 17 Gm C ( ) ) A( //// //// ) //// //// ) F( 7 c 7 6 5- 7 !7 ) c-- 1_____- 1 7 c ) : ( : ( : A: : F: my ten bucks would not grow to mil- lions. So la- dy : __________________________________________________________________ V2) F Dm 19 ) ) A( /// 7 c--- ) // 5 6 4--- ) F( c---_________-- 7 5 ) 6--- // 5 3 ) : ( : ( : A: I'll cry! It's all- right. : F: my, are you mine? Can you : __________________________________________________________________ 21 >B Gm F ( ) ) A( / 2- 2 5- 7- ) // 6 7 c--- ) F( 4--- / 5 7 5 ) 6--- / c 7 c ) : ( : ( : A: More or less why, it's the same; : F: guess what is my name, what is this: __________________________________________________________________ 23 Dm >B Gm ( ) ) A( // 5 6 4--- ) / 2- 2 5- 2- ) F( 6--- // 5 3 ) 4--- / 5 7 5 ) : ( : ( : A: I can't play. Please, I pray, boy; : F: game? I can say, I like that : __________________________________________________________________ 25 F Dm ( ) ) A( // 1 5 6- 6- ) / 5- 6 4--- ) F( 6--- / 6 7 c ) 6--- // 5 6 ) : ( : ( : A: let your grace- ful fin- gers hold : F: face! My heart is full of your: __________________________________________________________________ 27 >B Gm F ( ) ) A( / 2- 2 5- 7- ) / 6- 7 c--- ) F( 4--- / 5 7 5 ) 6--- / c 7 c ) : ( : ( : A: my left hand, and dream of love, : F: gold- en, sec-ret land; I'm not a- : __________________________________________________________________ 29 Dm (B2) >B Gm ( ) ) A( / 4 5 6 4--- ) / 2- 2 5- 7 5 ) F( 6--- // 5 3 ) 4--- //// ) : ( : ( : A: let's build a home. I would make you a : F: lone! Tell me more. : __________________________________________________________________ 31 F C ( ) ) A( 6- 4 5 6 6 c- ) 7 c 7 6 5- 7 !7 ) F( //// //// ) //// //// ) : ( : ( : A: cake full of blue-ber- ries de- co- rat- ed with ti-ny : F: : __________________________________________________________________ 33 ( ) ) A( c- 1- // 7- ) c-- 1_______-- / 1 ) F( //// //// ) //// //// ) : ( : ( : A: dia- monds, or oni- ons if : F: : __________________________________________________________________ 35 Gm C ( ) ) A( 7 c 7 6 5- 7 !7 ) c-- 1______-- // ) F( //// //// ) //// //// ) : ( : ( : A: twen-ty bucks would not grow to bil- lions. : F: : __________________________________________________________________ B3) Gm Dm 37 ) ) A( //// //// ) //// //// ) F( 5 6 7 6 7- 5 #5 ) 6- 2- / 2 c- ) : ( : ( : A: : F: You're the on-ly thing that my heart thirsts, you are : __________________________________________________________________ 39 >B F ( ) ) A( //// //// ) //// //// ) F( d c 7 c d- 7 >c ) 7-- 6___- / c 7 ) : ( : ( : A: : F: one and on- ly love for my poor soul. There's a : __________________________________________________________________ 41 Dm >B Gm ( ) ) A( //// //// ) //// //// ) F( 7-- 6___- 7 c 6 ) 7- 3 4 5 6 7 >c ) : ( : ( : A: : F: deep hole with- in my chest and it must be filled with : __________________________________________________________________ 43 F Dm >B Gm ( ) ) ) A( //// //// ) //// //// ) //// //// ) F( 7-- 6__-- // ) 7-- 6___-- c 6 ) 7- 3 4 5 6 7 >c ) : ( : ( : ( : A: : F: best charms; your arms could be strok- ing my ha-ir on a : __________________________________________________________________ 46 F Dm ( ) ) A( //// //// ) //// //// ) F( 7-- 6_____-- / 7 ) 7-- 6_____- 7 c 6 ) : ( : ( : A: : F: grey day. No pay- day com- pares to : __________________________________________________________________ 48 >B Gm Dm Gm ( ( ) ) , ) A( //// //// ( 2 ) f- d- ) g- a. b ) F( 7- 3 4 5 6 5 3 ( 4 ) 4- 2 2 ) 5- 6. 7 ) : ( : : : : A: ::::::: One house, will you be : F: that one when we two be-come ::::::: one hou- se, will you be : __________________________________________________________________ 51 F C ( ) , ) ) A( b- a- ) c- 7. c ) e d c 5 ) F( 7- 6 4 ) / c 7 c ) e d c 5 ) : : : : A: my spouse? There's on- ly one thing that my : F: my spou- se? There's on- ly one thing that my : __________________________________________________________________ 54 ( , ) ) ) A( e- d. c ) 7- 5- ) //// ) F( e d- c ) 7- 5 5 ) e d c 5 ) : : : : A: heart thirsts in this world. : F: heart thirsts in this wor- ld, on- ly one thing : __________________________________________________________________ 57 ( , ) ) ) A( e- f. e ) d- c- ) e d c 5 ) F( e d- e ) d- c 5 ) //// ) : : : : A: That lights my can- dle. You're for me the : F: that lights my can- d- le. : __________________________________________________________________ 60 ( ) ) ) A( e d e d ) e d c 5 ) e f e d ) F( //// ) //// ) e f e d ) : : : : A: one and on- ly sweet-heart, ho-ney, you're the on- ly : F: You're the on- ly : __________________________________________________________________ 63 F >B F/A ( ) ) , ) ) A( e d c 5 ) 6- 4 / ) 7- c. d ) d- c- ) F( e d c 5 ) 6- 4 / ) 7 c- d ) d- c 6 ) : : : : : A: one I need to live for, you are my trea- sure. : F: one I need to live for, you are my trea- su- re.: __________________________________________________________________ 67 >B F >B F/A ( ) ) , ) ) A( // g- ) a- f / ) 7- c. d ) d- c- ) F( 7 6 d- ) 6- 4 / ) 2 1- 2 ) !B 1 4- ) : : : : : A: My har- bour, you are my plea- sure. : F: You are my har- bour, you are my ple- a- sure. : __________________________________________________________________ 71 >B F >B F/A ( ) ) , ) ) A( // f- ) a- f / ) d- c. d ) c- c- ) F( / 3 5- ) 6- 4 / ) d c- d ) c c 6- ) : : : : : A: Love- sto- ry we'll write to- ge- ther, : F: This love- sto- ry we'll wri- te to-ge- ther, : __________________________________________________________________ 75 >B F >B F/A ( ) ) , ) ) A( / e g- ) a- f / ) d- c. d ) c- 6 4 ) F( // 7- ) 6- 4 6 ) 7 6- 5 ) 4 5- 4 ) : : : : : A: now our glo- ry, fu- ture is born be- fore : F: our glo- ri-ous fu- t- ure, born be- fore : __________________________________________________________________ 79 >B F >B Dm ( ) , ) ) ) A( 7 6 5 6 ) 4- 5 ' 6 ) 7- c / ) d c d e ) F( 5 5 6 6 ) 4- 5 ' 6 ) 7- c / ) d c d c ) : : : : : A: ou-r ey-es. Dar-ling, your heart is made of so-lid : F: ou-r ey-es. Dar-ling, your heart is made of so-lid : __________________________________________________________________ 83 >B C F >B Dm ( ) , ) ) ) A( f- g- ) a- g ' f ) d- c / ) d c d e ) F( 7 !7 c 5 ) 4- 5 ' 6 ) 7- 6 / ) 7 6 5 6 ) : : : : : A: pure gold, our sto- ry will be for a hund-red : F: pu- re go- ld, our sto- ry will be for a hund-red : __________________________________________________________________ 87 >B C F >B ( ) ) ) ) A( f- g- ) a--- ) f--- ) f--- ) F( 7 !7 c 3 ) 4- // ) 6- 4- ) 7- 6 4 ) : : : : : A: years told. Give me your : F: ye- ars to- ld. Give, give me, give me your : __________________________________________________________________ 91 C F >B ( ) ) ) ) A( g- // ) a--- ) f--- ) f--- ) F( 5-- #5 ) 4- // ) 6- 4- ) 7- 6 4 ) : : : : : A: hand, lead me to : F: hand, oh, lead, lead me, lead me to : __________________________________________________________________ 95 C F >B F ( ) ) ) ) A( g--- ) a---______)____----___________)___----_____) F( 5-- #5 ) 6--- ) // !7 #5 ) 6--- ) : : : : : A: your land! : F: you- r land, give your hand! : __________________________________________________________________ 99 ( ) ) ) )) A(___----_________)__----_________)__----_________)__-- // )) F(___----_________)__----_________)__----_________)__-- // )) : : : : :: __________________________________________________________________